Physiotherapy is an ancient therapy to cure patients by doing some physical practices. It is a non-surgical treatment process intended to lessen pain while improving movement & restoring the functionality of the patient’s affected body parts. Performed by a highly-skilled physiotherapist, it is also called as physical therapy. The procedure involves a wide range of exercises, hand-on techniques, patient education, and several modalities. Navdeh is the best physiotherapy clinic in Sikar.
Physiotherapy is an effective treatment of injury, disease, deformity, or disability to improve the quality of an individual’s life. Navdeh is known for having in-depth knowledge of how the body works and specialized hands-on clinical skills to evaluate, diagnose, and cure the symptoms of injury, illness, and disability.
Physiotherapy also includes rehabilitation, prevention of injury, and promotion of fitness. Physiotherapists also work in teams with other fitness professionals to serve the individual’s health care needs at best. The therapy is expertly performed by using electrotherapy, exercise prescription, shockwave modality, joint mobilization, and health education. We Provide the best physiotherapy services in Sikar.
With Physiotherapy, we can treat several severe conditions such as chronic or acute pain, cartilage damage, soft tissue injuries, arthritis, gait disorders, and physical impairments such as musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiopulmonary, and endocrinological origins. Physiotherapy is highly suggested to enhance a patient’s physical functions through diagnosis, prognosis, physical examination, physical intervention, and rehabilitation.